Sunday, October 4, 2015

The 'Must-See,' Revealing Ruins Of Merida

On our way to Seville We stopped at Merdia, Spain for a look at the incredible Roman ruins that are thousands of years old and remarkably well-preserved.
The coliseum and forum that you will find here rivals anything that you might find in Greece, Italy or anywhere else in the world for that matter.
How did everything remain so well-preserved through centuries of invasions, onslaughts, development, etc.? The answer is simple: garbage. All of this sat under a garbage dump and it wasn't until excavations began in 1909 that the dramatic discoveries emerged.
And they've continued to the presnet day.
In fact, the entire town of Merida sits atop what was a thriving part of the Roman empire.
Yes, Merida has certainly earned its title as a UNESCO World Heritage Sight.
Truly incredible!

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