Sunday, March 3, 2013

Video: Ann Feels Media Didn't Give Mitt 'Fair Shake'

Ann Romney is right. The media never gave Mitt Romney a "fair shake." And they never will.
The dominant liberal media (DLM) are neither objective observers nor responsible reporters. Rather, they are active players in the political side.
And the DLM clearly play on the side of the Democrats and their liberal friends and liberal interest groups. There's no secret about it anymore -- and hasn't been for some time.
This situation is not about to disappear.
It will remain this way until the baby boomers (mostly misguided children of the 1960s) who now control the major media outlets pass on. Until they are gone, there is little hope for any significant change.
How to deal with this?
The answer is simple: beat them at their own game. Fight back. Go directly to the public and use the same tools that the DLM use: radio, TV, print, face-to-face, the popular culture and (most important) social media. Social media allows the most direct, targeted, intimate access to the various publics that need to be reached.
Also, expose the DLM for the sham that it is and continue to support the few right-leaning or right-of center media outlets (such as Fox News) that still have some influence.

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