Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cakes Contain Special Prayers

From Flash News:
God works in strange and mysterious ways – including cake.At least that’s how it worked for Kim Crayton Corley, a Chicago-based businesswoman who runs, an online bakery that sells lemon bundt cakes that are packaged with personal prayers.
Each cake is prayed over by the bakers and Corley admits the power of prayer helped her choose to start the bundt business instead of an insurance agency.

Corley is happy the cakes are “sinfully good,” but says starting the business wasn’t exactly a cake walk.

Luckily, her prayers were answered in more ways than one.

Not only did God push her towards the cake industry, He also helped her meet her husband, who whipped up advice when she was first starting the venture.

It seems to be working. Corley says the cake business is sweet and says the biggest thrill is when customers tell her they’re never sending flowers again.

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